Introducing Fines Index™

A Novel Approach to Assessing Coffee Ground Quality

Hello, coffee enthusiasts! Today, we're delving into an exciting new aspect of coffee grind analysis: the Modal Fines Index™. As you may recall from our previous blog posts, achieving the perfect grind size and particle size distribution is crucial for extracting the full flavor potential of your beans. Now, we're introducing a unique method to measure and compare the fine particles present in your coffee grounds, further enhancing your brewing experience.

What is the Fines Index?

The Fines Index™ is a measure we've developed to assess the quantity of fine particles present in a sample of coffee grounds. Fine particles can over-extract and result in bitter or astringent flavors, while also negatively impacting the overall uniformity of the grind. By evaluating the Fines Index™, you can gain insight into your grinder's performance and make adjustments to optimize your coffee's taste.

How Does the Fines Index Work?

We've designed a simple yet effective process to calculate the Fines Index™ for a given sample of ground coffee. Here's how it works:

  1. Brew a Small Sample: We brew a small sample of the customer's ground coffee at low water temperatures (around 100°F). This low temperature helps isolate extraction from the smallest particles that we cannot measure directly with imaging.

  2. Measure Dissolved Solids: Next, we use a refractometer to quantify the amount of dissolved solids extracted from the sample. Dissolved solids are a key indicator of how much coffee material has been extracted during the brewing process.

  3. Compare and Create the Fines Index: We then compare the dissolved solids measurement to samples from other grinders, creating the Fines Index™—a numerical value representing the relative quantity of fine particles in your coffee grounds sample.

Why the Fines Index™ Matters

The Fines Index™ offers valuable insights into your grinder's performance and the quality of your coffee grounds. By identifying the presence of excess fine particles, you can make adjustments to your grinder settings or consider upgrading your grinder to achieve a more uniform grind size. This ultimately leads to better extraction, improved flavor, and a more enjoyable coffee experience.

With the Fines Index™, you can also compare different grinders and determine which one produces the most consistent and desirable particle size distribution for your brewing method. This information can be especially helpful when selecting a new grinder or fine-tuning your current one to produce the perfect cup of coffee.


Our proprietary Fines Index™ is a novel method to assess and compare the quantity of fine particles present in a sample of coffee grounds. By brewing a small sample at low temperatures and measuring the dissolved solids using a refractometer, we create a numerical value that offers insights into your grinder's performance and ground coffee quality. Understanding the Fines Index™ allows you to optimize your grinder settings or choose the best grinder for your brewing needs, ultimately leading to a better coffee experience.

Stay tuned for more coffee grind innovations and, as always, happy grinding!


Demystifying Particle Size Distribution